Latest Past Events
Best of West & South Cumberland Celebration
The businesses and organizations who were chosen as the people's choices for "best" in their catagories and municipalities will be recognized at the celebration at The Grove at Centerton. Social time and cash bar 5 PM and dinner and program begins at 6 PM. GET MORE INFORMATION AND THE LINK TO THE BALLOT [...]
Succession Planning Seminars
Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce presents Business Succession Planning Seminar November 14, 2019 GET THE DETAILS
Cumberland County Hospitality Event at NJ Chamber of Commerce Walk to Washington
Cumberland County government, Chamberss and businesses co-present with the NJ Chamber of Commerce the Dessert Reception immediately following the Congressional Dinner at the Marriott Warman Park Hotel in Washingnton DC. Dessert Reception sponsors are needed. Contact the Chamber for infromation on how you and your company can participate.