About Us
Mission of CDC
To promote economic development in the region, while stimulating increased coordination, cooperation, and communication, between business and government
The Cumberland Development Corporation, (CDC), is a not-for-profit community development corporation. It was created by several municipalities and the Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce to encourage area municipalities to work together on economic and community development.
Services of CDC
CDC serves as the economic development consultant for the member municipalities to assist them in retaining businesses, expansion of those businesses and in attracting new business and jobs to the area. We partner with Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce on economic development including Cumberland Grows.
Business owners or those interested in starting a business in the member municipalities may call on CDC for free business assistance services. We partner with Cooperative Business Assistance Corp. for business assistance.
CDC Board of Directors meetings allows the leaders of the member municipalities and other partners to discuss economic development issues and projects and to direct the activities of the corporation. It also serves a forum for municipal leaders to discuss common issues and to work on solutions together.
CDC also serves as unified voice for the area to seek support from county, state and federal officials.
Who We Are
The Cumberland Development Corporation is an economic and community development agency formed by, funded in part by and directed by its Board of Directors who are governing body representatives of the member municipalities.