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The Mayor and City Council of Bridgeton, Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce, Cumberland Development Corporation and CumberlandGrows.com invite area business owners and managers to this free business meeting.  A member of the Catalana family leadership team will provide information about Cumberland Dairy’s major expansion plans in Bridgeton and Mayor Albert Kelly will highlight other economic development news for the City and area.   Food and beverages will be provided.  The meeting will be hosted by Cumberland Dairy in their training center at 31 Halford Ave. in Bridgeton. We have space for 40 people so please register as soon as possible. REGISTER ONLINE NOW.

Mayor Albert Kelly, City Council President James Curtis Edwards

City Council Members Ed Bethea, Rosemary

 DeQuinzio, Dr. Sam Feinstein, Michael Zapolski, Sr.

Bill Whelan, BACC Chairman, James Crilley, CDC Chairman,

Tony Stanzione, BACC & CDC Executive Director and Steven Paul, CDC/BACC Marketing Director

Register for this Free Meeting by Nov. 30.

Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce, 856-455-1312


Fax: 856-453-9795    Email:  bacc@baccnj.com    www.baccnj.com 


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